A Christian Program for Rising Young Professionals
Finding Joy in Our Work
“Vocations are ‘masks of God.’ On the surface, we see an ordinary human face—our mother, the doctor, the teacher, the waitress, our pastor—but, beneath the appearances, God is ministering to us through them. God is hidden in human vocations.”
—Martin Luther
The Bible exists to tell us who God is and the first thing we learn about him is that he is a creative, competent, and caring worker. Work is neither a punishment, nor a necessary evil, but an exalted, Godlike activity and we were made to join him in it. We exist to be visible representations of the God who daily delighted in his work of creation and continues to delight in preserving and governing all things through us.
Work in a Paid Internship
The Fellows Program isn’t a gap year before joining the workforce, it’s an immersive first step into applying your faith in the workforce. Fellows work four days a week in paid internships in their chosen field. Our fellows have interned with a wide variety of businesses and nonprofits while seeking to discover the kind of work God made them to do.
If you’re wondering what God wants you to do with your life and how you can serve him in your profession, Briarwood Fellows will give the opportunity to deeply explore these questions through study and hands-on work experience.
Visit FAQ to see the weekly schedule.
Discover Your Calling
Pursuing a vocation, a calling, rather than just a job is one of the ways we bear God’s image. God works. So we work and in so doing, we fulfill his design for us and for his creation. You are God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works which he has already prepared for you to walk in (Ephesians 2:10). So, whether its missions or management, Briarwood Fellows exists to help you discover the work God has already planned for you.
Using proven vocational assessments (Highlands Ability Battery, MCODE, and EQ-i 2.0), you will learn to discern God’s calling by coming to understand how he’s made you, what motivates you, and by gaining the wisdom to seize the right opportunities he puts before you.
Current Employers
Previous Business Partners
For Profit:
Golden Flake
Protective Life
Blue Cross & Blueshield of Alabama
Boosterthon Fun Run
Lamar Outdoor Advertising
Blueprint Financial
Truewealth Financial
Yellowhammer News
Homewood Gourmet
Non Profit
College Golf Fellowship
Lifeline Children's Service
Cornerstone Schools of Alabama
Foundations Early Learning Centers
Young Business Leaders
Scott Dawson Evangelical Association
A Team Ministries
Policy & Research
Alabama Policy Institute
UAB Center of Biophysical Engineering
Deep South Cancer Research
Hope Healthcare Urban Medical Center
Art & Design
Susan Gordon Pottery
Amberly Shelton Paperie
Rosegate Interior Design