A Christian Program for Rising Young Professionals
Doing Life Together
“It is not good that the man should be alone.”
—Genesis 2:18
In 2023, the Surgeon General released a report declaring that America is experiencing an “epidemic of loneliness and isolation.” In the study, it was found that a lack of human connection increases your risk of premature death by the same amount as smoking a pack of cigarettes every day! Because God himself is a community: Father, Son, and Spirit eternally loving, serving, and enjoying one another, we who bear his image were made for community and without it, we wither and die.
Intentional Community
“Behold, how good and how beautiful it is when brothers dwell together in unity!”
—Psalm 133:1
Everything we do is modeled on the fact that God himself is a community and we were made to embody that reality. Living in community, says the psalmist, is like returning to the goodness of Eden and experiencing the beauty of God’s own life.
So, everything we do in the Briarwood Fellows is done to build, deepen, and delight in relationships with one another and those God calls us to serve. Whether its by sharing meals, discussing deep issues, studying theology, or spending recreational time together, Briarwood Fellows develop deep bonds and lifelong friendships.
Host Families
Each Fellow spends the year living with a host family from Briarwood Presbyterian Church. They get to serve the families with whom they live and see they integrate the gospel into their home life.
More than just a place to stay, host families pour into their Fellows and give them a place to truly live during their Fellows year. The Fellows become a part of the family and enjoy day-to-day life with experienced believers.